715-265-7443 | Mon 12-7:30pm, Tues/Wed 10-6pm, Thurs 10-7:30pm, Fri 10-5pm, Sat 10-1, Sun Closed gclibrary@glenwoodcitylibrary.org
Monday Night Craft

Monday Night Craft

Monday Night Craft Date/Time: March 4 |4:00-6:00 We will be making Butterfly feeders with toilet paper rolls, bottle caps, and straws. This event is free and is open to everyone.
Movie Night

Movie Night

MOVIE: MIGRATION DATE: MARCH 25, 2024 TIME: 5:00 PM DESCRIPTION: A family of ducks decides to leave the safety of a New England pond for an adventurous trip to Jamaica. However, their well-laid plans quickly go awry when they get lost and wind up in New York City. The...
What’s the Rush?

What’s the Rush?

What’s the Rush?   Thursday, March 27 |6:00pm| Glenwood City Public Library Hosted by: Baldwin Public Library, Glenwood City Public Library, Hammond Community Library, Woodville Community Library   Video Documentry Panelists of experts Door Prize Food...